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Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Invest in Multiple Property Types

  • Multi-Family Apartment Buildings

  • Mixed Use Residential, Commercial & Flex Space

  • Single Family Homes

  • Storage Lots w/ Portable Containers

  • Real Estate Development

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General Information . Frequently Asked Q&A

How It Works?
Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Landlord Token offers simplified investments in real estate from $50 USDC per token. It allows any 18+ year old to invest in rental and real estate development investment opportunities and receive monthly rents and or proceeds from the sale of investment property.  Our mission is to democratize access to real estate investment opportunities for all. We get the deals, we manage the properties, YOU (landlords) get the rents / proceeds.

What is Landlord Token?

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Landlord Token has three main activities:

1. Real Estate.  Search for profitable properties, for subsequent rental, value add and sale.

2. Technical: Tokenization of the economic rights of those properties via blockchain and making tokens available to potential investors.

3. Legal: Ensuring the legality of the whole process.

What are the main activities of Landlord Token?

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Every person who is 18+ years old and a non-U.S. resident, with the exception of accredited investors, can invest with Landlord Token once they complete KYC and/or AML verifications. For legal reasons, some countries are restricted.

Who can invest with Landlord Token?

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

No. Landlord Token is designed to enable anyone to invest in Real Estate whether you know about crypto or not. You can always discover crypto at your own pace on our resources page. You can purchase Landlord Token offerings with crypto and or fiat currency like Visa, Master Card, Amex and Debit.

Do I need to be an expert in crypto-currencies to invest?

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens


It only takes 4 steps to invest in Landlord Token Offerings:

1. Click Get Started at

2. Complete your identity verification (it should take 1 minute)

3. Choose the property you want to invest in.

4. Complete your purchase(s)

How can I buy
Landlord Token?

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Landlord Token distributes rents at the beginning of the following month. e.g.: Landlord Token distributes the month of August between the 2nd and 5th of September.   Landlords have access to monthly owner statements and income statements verified by Landlord Token compliance as well as 3rd party professional property manager.

How are Rents distributed and when?


Finance Sector
Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

2 Ways to make money with Landlord Token.

1. Collect rents directly to your digital wallet each month. Monthly yield or dividend is equivalent to 1 token.

2. Real Estate Capital Gain. At Landlord Token you have the opportunity to fix and flip your capital with forced appreciation scenarios.

We Are Profit-Centric!

How do I make money?

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

To unlock your Landlord Status it's completely FREE.  As long as you're over the age of 18, a Non-US person, complete your KYC and complete the sign up process and purchase a minimum of a $50 token you're officially a Landlord.

Explain the fees charged by Landlord Token?

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

We distinguish 2 types of returns:

-Rents: Expected return between 4% and 10% per year.

-Added Value / Forced Appreciation: Expected return of 1% to 5% per year for buy and hold scenarios and a minimum of 25% return on fix and flip scenarios where forced appreciation is achieved in open market upon sale of subject property.

How much Return On Investment can I expect?

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Gross rent is the rent paid by the tenants every month. Net rent is the gross rent minus all expenses and fees.

Net rent is distributed monthly to investors as dividends.  It can fluctuate with collection events, rent price and expenses paid.

What is the difference between gross rent and net rent?

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Collecting rents is one click away.  Once you've accessed your user account all you have to do is click on the asset (real estate tokens owned) and there you will see how much rent has been deposited into your wallet based on how many tokens you own on that particular asset.  You are free to cash-out your rents whenever you wish.  

How do I collect my rents?

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Landlord Token unlocks real estate's potential with a value-add investment strategy. We acquire undervalued properties, revitalize them through renovations and upgrades, and then sell at a premium. This approach generates substantial returns for our investors ("landlords"), who can potentially gross profits of 25-40% on average. By investing with Landlord Token, landlords gain exposure to lucrative real estate opportunities with minimal effort, allowing them to sit back, relax, and watch the profits flow seamlessly into their wallets.

Value-Add Investment Strategy
Profit Centric Performance


Legal & Tax FAQ

Legal and Tax
Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Each token represents a fractional ownership interest in the underlying real estate assets, acquired through a limited token offering. This investment model drives the entire property lifecycle, from acquisition and development to disposition. Your investment is secured by a series of blockchain-recorded contracts, safeguarding your ownership stake.

Tokens and Legal Framework

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Investor Eligibility: To participate in Landlord Token investments, you must be an accredited investor.  This means you meet specific income or net worth thresholds established by the SEC. We strictly adhere to Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance codes for each country where we operate.

Landlord Token is committed to upholding the highest standards of regulatory compliance and investor protection. As a United States enterprise we understand the complexities of facilitating a global investor base we're no stranger to navigating intricate legal & compliance landscape.

Investor Eligibility & Compliance Standards

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Landlord Token offers transparent and equitable property ownership. We acquire real estate through a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), then tokenize it. By purchasing tokens, you gain a proportional share in the SPV, entitling you to rental income, potential capital gains, and access to property documents. While tokens don't grant direct property deeds, they represent ownership in the company holding the deed. We prioritize transparency, providing real-time data access and regular financial reporting.

Landlord Ownership,
Title & Transparency


Asset Management

Real World Real Estate Assets
Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Subject Property Selection Process

Landlord Token strategically identifies undervalued properties with unique profit potential. Our experienced team focuses on creative solutions like conversions and renovations to unlock hidden value, going beyond simple rent increases. We meticulously evaluate each property's potential, considering its characteristics, market dynamics, and opportunities for transformation. Our diverse business models include repurposing commercial spaces, revitalizing properties in trendy neighborhoods for premium rentals, and developing vacant lots into modern multi-unit buildings. Focused on the Greater Detroit, Greater Chicago and the States of Ohio and New York, we acquire or develop clusters of 10+ units in each market for optimal management and economies of scale. Invest with Landlord Token and participate in our profitable real estate projects, generating substantial returns.

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Who Manages the Properties?

Landlord Token's comprehensive asset management strategy ensures seamless operations and maximized profitability for our investors. Our team of experienced asset managers oversees a network of professional property managers, in-house construction teams, and maintenance crews. This integrated approach allows us to efficiently manage day-to-day operations of our tenant-occupied properties while simultaneously overseeing construction and development projects. We maintain a pulse on every aspect of the real estate investment process, ensuring optimal performance and value creation. By entrusting their investments to Landlord Token, our landlords/investors can confidently focus on building their portfolios and enjoying consistent revenue streams, without the burdens of property management and construction oversight.

Fractional Real estate Investing, U.S. Apartment Buildings For Sale, Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Investment Tokens

Renovations & Construction

In the initial capital raise we establish a reserve to manage renovations and or construction development. 

Landlord Token offers a unique opportunity for investors to participate in secondary capital raises on tokenized real estate assets. Upon identifying a value-add opportunity, a detailed proposal is presented to existing token holders for voting. If approved, participants deposit tokens into a smart contract, receiving new tokens representing the upgraded asset post-renovation. This streamlined process allows investors to benefit from property appreciation while funding further development and maximizing returns.

World Leader in Tokenized Real World Assets


1309 Coffeen Ave, Suite 1200

Sheridan, WY 82801



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This information is not an offer to invest in any token, Fund or other opportunity and is provided for information only.  Performance results are shown net of all fees, costs, and expenses associated with the token.  Should an investor choose to redeem a token through Landlord Token, or on a secondary market, other processing fees may be assessed that are not factored into the returns presented.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Returns are calculated based on the rental payments distributed throughout the year and the appreciation in value of the underlying property.  The appreciation in value is based on the difference between purchase price and annual assessment and broker price opinions.  Individual investor returns may vary based on the timing of their investments and redemptions.

This site is operated by Landlord Token Inc, which is not a registered broker-dealer or investment advisor.  Landlord Token Inc. does not give investment advice, endorsement, analysis or recommendations with respect to any securities.  Nothing on this website should be construed as an offer to sell, solicitation of an offer to buy or a recommendation for any security by landlord Token Inc. or any third party.   You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy, security or related transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance.  You should consult with licensed legal professionals and investment adviosors for any legal, tax, insurance or investment advice.  All securities listed here are being offered by, and all information included on this site is the responsibiity of the applicatble issuer of such securiites.  Landlord Token Inc. does not guarantee any investment performance, outcome or return of capital for any invesmtnet opportunity posted on this site.

This website is not intended to offer or promote the offer or sale of the securities in the United States or to U.S. persons ("US PERSONS") as defined in Regulation S under the US Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act").  Landlord Token Inc has not been and will not be registered under the US Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "Investment Company Act"), and , as such, holders of the security token in this website will not be entitled to the benefits of the Investment Company Act.  There are restrictions on the sale or resale of security tokens, and the holding of securities by , persons in the United States or who are U.S. Persons (Restrictions apply to any U.S. Resident and or U.S. Citizen living abroad or domestic).

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